apropos subject shows commands related to subject (ex: apropos floppy)
If it
never finds anything, update db with “mandb”as root.
cal displays
a calendar (ex: “cal 2004” to see all of 2004)
date prints or
the system’s date and time
lists the
amount of diskspace used and available. Putting “.”
after the
command lists the diskspace on the partition you are
right then. Use –h to convert bytes to KB, MB, GB.
dmesg quick
view of the boot log from the last system boot
du gives the
amount of diskspace taken by the directory. Try -h
free gives the
amount of memory available
history displays
the last commands that you issued at the prompt
hostname prints
the name of the machine used
id prints
information about the user/owner of shell
info command similar to the man command
but with hyperlinking available
last username displays information about previous logins of username
ldd program lists the shared libraries required by program
lsattr file lists the file attributes of a given file
lsmod lists all
loaded kernel modules
lspci lists all
PCI devices
lsusb lists all
USB devices
man -k command gives
more information about different commands. -k gives
manuals that contain information about the keyword
ps lists the
active processes running in your account (try “ps -ef”)
rpm –q program tells you whether program is installed or not
(and version)
sdiff file1 file2 compares file1 to file2 and prints the lines that differ
stty shows and
sets terminal characteristics
top displays
in real-time a list of running tasks
tty prints
the tty of a shell
uname displays
information about the operating system
uptime displays
the uptime of the machine and the load it carries
whatis command summary of command (run makewhatis to build DB)
whoami (sometimes
“who am i”) gives your username, tty and time the shell
was started
xwininfo print information on the
window you click (X-Windows only)
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